Rotation of the cell causes motion of the materials, resulting in an ever-changing view being presented. We named this song Kaleidoskop mostly because we wanted to use one for the video, but I guess we might as well give it meaning as well. So here it is: Don’t be afraid to change your views, welcome it. It is part of learning to be a better person, and it only gets more and more important that we all keep an open mind and try to believe in the good parts of the world. There, now it is not only sound, but a song with a purpose!
From the three outer corners of the world, Korsnes, Tromsø and Berlin, comes a song made by a bear, an owl and a wolf. We found the sound, we found the colors, now there’s nothing missing (maybe apart from sanity)! We are Strøm, and this is Triplicity.
Fire the cannons! Hoist the anchor! Dust the parrot! Strøm is here, and we’ve brought pirate metal. No sharks were harmed during the making of this video. Actually, no sharks were seen either. However, what we lack in scary fish, we make up for with… silliness. Like, comment and share! If we get 100 likes on this video, we’ll consider getting a shark. Yargh!
Things are going on here! We proudly can present Thomas Grummt as our new band member. Strøm will be from now on with bass. This is just another great strømish coincidence …
Welcome on board, Sir! Destination unknown!
Want some really cool clothes? With owls and bears and arctic special design. Take a look at our webshop. Its just around the corner.
Almost all the family loved the cool clothes. Just mum and dad didn’t seem like it.
Strøm is back with a new music video, where we rebel against… things and stuff! Thanks to some creative lighting (and video tricks) we transformed lovely office music into rebellious punk. Punk is something we’ve wanted to do since the beginning of Strøm (in 1402), and we felt that it had to be done right. That’s why we’re especially happy to have borrowed Tommy Jee (from Captured By Liberty) as the singer and lyricist of this song.